• Back in 1950, a small group of well drillers started meeting on someone's porch or someone else's kitchen in North Central Florida area. Later they held regular monthly meeting, alternating between Hughes Supply in Gainesville and Florida Pump in Ocala, the only suppliers in the area at that time. Some of those early Charter members were Albert Miller, Morris Gary, Joe Hare, Rudy Mackenzie, Hugh Hopewell, Chuck Wooden, Odell Sheppard, and Joe Bemis. They organized the NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA WELL DRILLERS ASSOCIATION, which is now known as the NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA WATER WELL ASSOCIATION.
  • We are the oldest and largest chapter in the State Association, which is now known as th FLORIDA GROUND WATER ASSOCIATION. Our annual membership is currently at a record number of 164 members. Over the years a large number of our members have served on the State Association Board of Directors. In addition, the following members have served as president of the FWDA/FWWA/FGWA. Albert Miller, Joe Bemis, Wilbur Langley, Allen Harwicke, Tim Myers and Donald Hall.
  • The purpose of the NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA WATER WELL ASSOCIATION is to promote quality construction of water wells while at the same time protecting our environment to ensure adequate and safe water supplies for current and future generations. Another of our objectives is to have input into the rule making process so that we try to keep the regulations reasonable and rational.
  • We encourage everyone who makes his or her living in the ground water business in the North Central Florida area,in whatever capacity,to become a member of NCFWWA.